Auto sync Premiere Pro/After Effects
bins with system foldersImport image sequences
Import or flatten sub-folders
Use relative paths for templates
Label imported items
Spell Book support:
use shortcuts and control surfaces (StreamDeck, Touch Portal, etc.)Two machines per user
Requirements: Pr/Ae 2020+
Windows or macOS
Auto sync project bins with system folders.
No more wandering across folders in a search of recently added files
and manually importing them in a right bin.
Watchtower will keep an eye on them, get back to editing.
Learn more about Watchtower and how to use settings to get workflow that fits your needs.
“Watch folder” functionality comes to Premiere and AE for something that all NLEs should do by default.
— Scott Simmons, ProVideo Coalition
It’s been something that I’ve wished was native to Premiere for years now so it got me really excited.
— Kenny McMillan, OWL BOT
Pr & AeとOSのフォルダ自動同期させる神エクステンション
— Masahiro Sagawa